Most of us would give anything to have our missing teeth back. Dental implants provide patients with a straightforward approach to tooth replacement.
Implants can support:
Each implant is made of a titanium root that is placed directly into the jawbone. As new bone forms around the prosthetic root, the implant becomes so stable that it is stronger than a natural tooth. That means very large restorations can be placed on it, without compromising its integrity.
Dr. Mitchell performs the surgical placement of the artificial implant root(s)- the dental implant(s). Once full healing has occurred after the surgery, Dr. Mitchell or Dr. Love will place the permanent restorations on top of the implant abutment. Both doctors work very closely with the patient so that treatment is completed in a timely, predictable manner.
Our implant patients love the way their new teeth look and feel. It’s almost like having their real teeth back again! Implants are easy to care for, and look beautiful. In fact, most people will never even realize that your implants are not real teeth! Get your self confidence back again…schedule a visit at Love Dentistry today to find out if implants can help you get your smile back.