What Does Your Smile Say?

added on: June 28, 2017
young woman smiling with hands surrounding face

A healthy smile is definitely a powerful tool. It can change the mood in a room. It can convey confidence and professionalism, even if you’re not feeling it. You can hear someone smiling over the phone, without even seeing their face light up. My dental office in Wichita knows the importance of a great first impression because it needs to leave a lasting impression. That’s why we make sure your teeth and gums are healthy so that your smile is one you’ll be proud to share with everyone.

Your Personality is Showing

A smile projects a more positive vibe, friendly and approachable attitude, along with inherent leadership skills. It’s been shown that humans will smile more depending on who is at the other end of the conversation. During our initial contact with other people, our first impressions and assessments are usually made within seconds. Most of the time this is all being subliminally so we’re not even aware we’re doing it.

Your Teeth Tell A Story

Hippocrates believed that every person belongs to one of four different types of temperaments. And believe it or not, your teeth determine what group you belong to. This is known as Morphopsychology-Visagism and it’s the possible connection between your personality and your teeth shape. Your dentist in Wichita wants to know what category you belong to!

  1. Melancholic/Sensitive = Oval-Shaped Teeth

Personality traits include: Artistic, perfectionist, organized, reserved, timid, and abstractive

  1. Sanguine/Dynamic = Triangle-Shaped Teeth

Personality traits include: Impulsive, extroverted, communicative, enthusiastic, and eager

  1. Choleric/Strong = Rectangular-Shaped Teeth

Personality traits include: Intense, objective, explosive, intense, passionate, and entrepreneurial

  1. Phlegmatic/Peaceful = Square-Shaped Teeth

Personality traits include: Conformist, discreet, diplomatic, mystic, and spiritualized

Sharing your smile with the world is important in so many ways. It conveys your intent and personality. Your smile even has the ability to boost another person’s mood, making them more happy in the process. My Wichita dental office wants to help you put your best smile out there and ensure your true confidence and charisma always shine through.

Posted In: Dental Articles

Phone 316-440-9700
Hours M. T. TH. 7-4 | F. 7-1
10111 EAST 21ST STREET NORTH . Suite 102 . Wichita . KS 67206