Save Your Vacation Days — See Your Dentist!

added on: April 1, 2015

vacation dayMore than 164 million hours of work are lost each year because of dental problems. If you’re like us and would prefer to save your vacation days for, well, vacation, take a word of advice from all of us at my Wichita dental office.

We’d love it if every one of our patients came to see us at least once every six months, but that’s not the case. There’s a reason we suggest visiting us a minimum twice a year, and it’s not just because we like you. Regular appointments with your Wichita dentist can, yes, keep your teeth squeaky clean, they can also go a long way in making sure we keep your mouth, and your body, healthy.

Many people believe that if you have a dental problem, you’d know it. That’s not necessarily true and is particularly concerning. A majority of dental concerns have little or no symptoms and once they do start to show signs, they’ve already progressed into big issues.

Take cavities for example. Cavities often show no symptoms in the beginning. It’s when they are left alone and the decay reaches a nerve when we experience pain. Once you hit this stage, it’s not only painful, it could also mean more in-depth treatment.

Gum disease is a serious dental problem that also shows little or no symptoms. Gum disease can hint at it’s existence with a little bit of blood in the spit while brushing teeth. But many people see this as normal and don’t think much of it. You should. Blood is never normal and is a sign something isn’t quite right. When caught early, gum disease can be treated and reversed. If left alone, it may lead to tooth loss and larger whole-body problems like heart disease and strokes.

This is why we place so much importance on prevention. Prevention is key to a healthy mouth and body. We believe in catching any potential problems early, making treatment more successful and decreasing the chance for advanced concerns later on.

Dental prevention at  my dental office in Wichita can go a long way in not only keeping your teeth healthy and vibrant, it can also help you keep the well-deserved and hard-earned time off from work. Get back to enjoying those days off by actually doing something fun.

Welcoming patients from Wichita, East Wichita, Northeast Wichita, and nearby communities.

Posted In: Dental Articles

Phone 316-440-9700
Hours M. T. TH. 7-4 | F. 7-1
10111 EAST 21ST STREET NORTH . Suite 102 . Wichita . KS 67206